Daily Archives: May 26, 2017

Art Themen Quartet | Maidenhead

Fri 26 May | Art Themen | Art Themen (saxes), Alex Hutton (piano), Andy Cleyndert (bass), Clark Tracey (drums) | Maidenhead | Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Courtyard Theatre | 8.00pm | £15/£13/£5

Stuart Henderson’s Remix Jazz Orchestra | Finchampstead

Fri 26 May | Stuart Henderson’s Remix Jazz Orchestra | Stuart Henderson trumpet, line up see web site | Finchampstead | Memorial Hall, RG40 4JU | http://www.remixjazzorchestra.co.uk/ | 8.30pm | Price TBC

Rhythms at the Yurt | Didcot

Fri 26 May | Rhythms at the Yurt | Rebecca Poole vocals, Hugh Turner guitar | Didcot | Rhythms at the Yurt | 8.00pm | £12.50

Hungerford Jazz Forum Jam Session | Hungerford

Fri 26 May | Hungerford Jazz Forum Jam Session | Hungerford | Royal British Legion | 8.00pm | £2.00